Whole 30: Week 2

Helllo everyone!! 🙂 We made it to day 14! Actually…ELISA made it to day 14! I made it to day 13 and pizza won. You can read about it below! 😛

Here’s our food/mood diary for week 2! Same as last week, I documented this at the end of the day each day! 🙂 Week 1 is here if you missed it!

xox Eve

Day 8: Monday 10/24/2016

Brekkie: Eggs + avocado + mini potatoes & plums
Lunch: Zucchini lasagna + veggie soup & pumpkin custard
Dinner: Eve- Spashetti squash chowmein & pumpkin custard; Elisa- Steak and veggies
Mood: Pretty easy day today! We meal prepped everything yesterday so we only  had to make brekkie for the day! #mealprepsunday was a success! 😛 Woke up and had a lot of energy and didn’t really have much cravings all day! BUT I made my first UNINTENTIONAL OOPSY today!! :X I went to catch up with my friend at a tea house and we both ordered a different kind of tea. I specifically asked for no sugar in mine. When we got our tea we decided to try each other’s and I assumed her tea had no sugar as well but when I took the first sip, the sweetness of her tea hit me SO hard on my taste bud! So, yeap. I accidentally slipped. But, it was only one little sip so I’m going to move on and be more careful next time. It’s so crazy how one week of no sugar can affect my sensitivity to sweets! OR, the tea was just EXXTRA sweet?


Day 9: Tuesday 10/25/2016

Brekkie: Eve- mini potatoes & Cashew Cookie Larabar / Elisa- eggs & bacon
Lunch: Eve- green beans + egg plant / Elisa- Coconut Thai Red Chili Soup (recipe here)
Dinner: zucchini lasagna + spaghetti squash chowmein + coconut thai red chili soup with cauliflower rice
Mood:  Today was a little tough since I didn’t have time to eat a full breakfast. I was running late for a meeting so I heated up the rest of the mini potatoes leftover from yesterday. That was definitely NOT enough for me for brekkie 🙁 Good thing I brought a Larabar and it contained the hangry feels until lunch! We went to eat at a restaurant after the meeting and it was sooo hard to see all the yummy food on our table and not be able to eat it! This is why I hate eating out during Whole 30! It’s so much easier to just eat at home with my meal prepped food and be happy because out of sight, out of mind!! I placed a special order with no sugar and no sauce with my veggies- green beans & egg plant.  I was definitely drooling over the dessert at the end when everyone was stuffing their faces 🙁 And I also looked a little crazy and had to explain to my team why I can’t eat anything LOL. #whole30life I was pretty sad post lunch but I came home to a huge bowl of the Coconut Thai Red Chili soup Elisa made!!! It was SOOO DELICIOUS!!! I died and went to heaven. This soup made me SO happy! We finally made the cauliflower rice from Trader Joe’s and I’m obsessed!!! It was so perfect with the soup! However, cauliflower and broccoli DO make me super bloated… so I definitely suffered for a few hours after eating this. But, it’s so good, it’s totally worth it!!!



Day 10: Wednesday 10/26/2016

Brekkie: Blueberry chia pudding + coconut chips & Apple Pie Larabar
Lunch: Coconut Thai Red Chili soup + cauliflower rice & Chocolate coconut chew Larabar & Simple Mills Rosemary and Sea Salt Almond Flour Crackers from Sprouts
Dinner: Chicken Lettuce Wraps (recipe here)
Mood: We are on day 10!!! I felt pretty good today, although I vaguely remember dreaming about snacking on things I’m not supposed to last night. :X Elisa felt really BLAH today and was craving munchies all day UNTIL she worked out! She was feeling so lethargic until she finished Kayla Itsines’ BBG 1.0 week 10 legs! My knee is still hurting and making sounds so I tried elliptical today for the first time and boy, it was harder than I had imagined! My friends suggested to workout on the elliptical instead of my usual LISS on the treadmill because she said it will be less impact on my knee. So glad I finally got a workout in this week! We also went grocery shopping today at Sprouts and we found Larabars on sale for 0.88 cents, which is cheaper than Target! We looked like we’re crazy over Larabars at checkout with so many different bars! But not gonna lie, we’re pretty addicted. We also found Simple Mills Rosemary and Sea Salt Almond Flour Crackers from Sprouts! Thanks to a fellow BBG girl for showing us this delicious #whole30compliant cracker! It’s sooooo yummy!


Day 11: Thursday 10/27/2016

Brekkie: Buffalo Chicken Breakfast Casserole (recipe here)
Lunch: Buffalo Chicken Breakfast Casserole
Dinner: Gluten Free Shepherd’s Pie (recipe here)
Mood: We meal prepped our breakfast last night so it was an easy peasy morning! The buffalo chicken breakfast casserole is seriously SOOO AMAZING and super easy to make! I can’t believe it’s #whole30compliant!!! It’s so good we had it again for lunch!! 😛 We met up with our friend Fion, who is also doing #whole30, in the afternoon at a tea house and we all ordered green tea with no sugar. It was awesome because she actually understood what we’re going through since she is on day 11 as well! We all got to suffer together when we smelled other people’s yummy food! For dinner, I tried out the Gluten Free Shepherd’s Pie recipe and it was bomb! Seriously, never thought #whole30 food could taste SO good!! We also meal prepped another thing of Buffalo Chicken Breakfast Casserole and Zucchini Lasagna for this weekend! We’re going to spend tomorrow WFH (working from home aka DIY Halloween costume making) with our friend Kelly at her house! And we’re also sleeping over for Halloweekend! So we decided to prep all our food for the weekend so we don’t end up starving and hangry!


Day 12: Friday 10/28/2016

Brekkie: Gluten Free Shepherd’s Pie topped with fried egg
Lunch: Buffalo Chicken Breakfast Casserole
Dinner: Zinc Cafe’s Chef’s Salad (we asked them to take out the cheese)
Mood: We went over to our friend Kelly’s house to make our DIY costume today and brought over all the food we prepped- Buffalo Chicken Breakfast Casserole, Zucchini lasagna, bok choy, and canned chicken breast + celery + carrots. We know we would get drunchies after our night out, so we wanted to be prepared with #whole30compliant food around. It was a pretty smooth day today until we went to Zinc Cafe with our friends. We have been wanting to try Zinc FOREVER so it was really sad that our options were so limited. 🙁 We were definitely drooling over our friends’ orders, but luckily, our chef’s salad was delicious! Can’t wait to come back when we’re done with Whole 30 and try everything else! It’s such a cute spot, we loved it!

Day 13: Saturday 10/29/2016

Brekkie: egg scramble with green peppers + bacon
Lunch: canned chicken breast + celery + carrots & apples & Larabars
Dinner: Buffalo Chicken Breakfast Casserole; Tito’s vodka + freshly juiced grapefruit and pear juice as #whole30compliant chaser
Late night snack: Elisa- Zucchini lasagna + bok choy; Eve- PIZZA :X
Mood: Today was a super busy day! We started the morning with a work meeting in Orange County and then headed straight to LA for our Sweaty Betty boxing event with Natalie (@spikyfit) at Prevail Los Angeles. Good thing Elisa meal prepped everything so we had something to eat on the way from the OC to LA! Our event was SO MUCH FUN and all the girls had a blast! Literally was shaking after the workout since this was my first intense workout in a while! It felt SOO good after but I might have overworked my right knee and it started hurting after class :X UGH. KNEE PAINS ARE THE WORST!! :'( After our event, we went over to our friend Kelly’s house to get ready for our Halloween night out! We heated up the buffalo chicken casserole for dinner and our friends LOVED all of our #whole30compliant food we prepped! They had no idea whole30 could taste so good! Kelly also fixed us up with some #whole30approved chasers! She made grapefruit pear juice! It was sooo tasty! For our choice of liquor, we picked Tito’s since Grace (@exercisewithextrafries) told us it’s gluten free and paleo! Not quite Whole 30 compliant since alchy isn’t allowed, but this is as close as it gets! When we got home, DRUNCHIES kicked in. Elisa’s boyfriend, Vince, brought over PIZZA and Uncle Tetsu Cheesecake. And… I couldn’t resist the Pizza. :X PIZZA:1; EVE: 0. This is why alcohol is not allowed during whole 30. My self control definitely went out the door under the influence. 🙁 I’m so proud of Elisa for resisting it! She’s still going strong!

Sweaty Betty x Prevail Los Angeles boxing event with @Spikyfit (more pictures on our facebook here)

Day 14: Sunday 10/30/2016

Brunch: Buffalo Chicken Breakfast Casserole; Eve: Casserole & Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Dinner: Elisa- oysters, crab, and shepherd’s pie; Eve- instant noodles
Mood: I woke up and burped out PIZZA and realized what I had done last night. :X And then Vince started heating up the Uncle Tetsu Cheesecake and I just couldn’t resist!! I’ve been wanting to try it forever and I was like mmmm I already messed up, so I guess it’s over. It was SOOO DELICIOUS. Might have went crazy and ate almost half the cheesecake….. the sugar monster took over and there was no stopping me. I was sooooo happy! But, not for long. When I got home, I felt super bloated. My body was probably in shock from the alcohol, pizza, and cheesecake. For dinner, I was too lazy to go out to buy groceries and we literally had NOTHING at home… so I made instant noodles. SO BAD, I KNOW!!! I was so jealous because Elisa was at Vince’s house and he made her the shepherd’s pie recipe I made on Thursday. So I slipped up two days and ate things I shouldn’t have eaten, and I ALMOST drove out to buy a burrito (good thing I was too lazy to leave my house). I thought about just giving up completely, but I decided I’m going to just keep eating whole30 with Elisa and try to eat as healthy as possible. My body felt soooo shitty and BLAH all day, so I’m excited to jump back into whole 30 diet tomorrow!

2 Replies to “Whole 30: Week 2”

  1. Aw, Eve! Good job with sticking it through and thank you for your honesty about your slip ups (that’s real life!). Yes, please continue Whole30 for yourself and to support Elisa, Loving the posts! Good job, ladies!!!!! xoxo, Fee

    1. Aww thank you Fee!!! So proud of you & Elisa still staying strong!!! you girls are half way done!!! Almost there!

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