Well that was mouthful. Those are exactly the ingredients rolled together into the yummiest bliss balls! It’s been a really long time since I made bliss balls. I think the last time was when I brought some to the first San Diego BBG Meet Up we’ve ever attended. It was a very very stormy weekend, but #deathbyLilFitty happened anyway through the rain and wind!
These were inspired by the beautiful @theblondeefiles! I just subbed PB2 with regular PB and coconut chips with coconut flakes!
- 1 cup raw oats
- 1 cup PB
- 1 scoop Vanilla Bliss Zen Fuze protein powder
- Sprinkle unsweetened coconut flakes
- Sprinkle Navitas cacao nibs
- Drop of vanilla extract
- Roll into balls and refridgerate
Easy peasy right?! Your turn! 🙂
The sneak peek photo from my Snapchat & Instagram. You bet @theblondeefiles guessed it right! 😉
Up close and personal!
Vanilla Bliss Zen Fuze protein powder
Made some Bailey friendly ones for my favorite pup!“What’s this?”
“Yes, you’ve got my attention.”
“It sure does smell nice. PB?! Is that my favorite PB I smell?!”“Oh yes. I’m goin’ in!”